Improve Cognitive Function and Memory with Royal Jelly
Apitherapy Review[1], Issue #7, August 2011

Royal jelly is one of the most nutritionally complex foods on the planet with the ability to shore up many nutritional deficiencies and may help people overcome conditions they may have been dealing with for years. Royal jelly is also highly regarded for its brain-boosting capabilities. Whether you are a young student looking for an edge on an exam, a CEO with tremendous demands on your time, or have received the devastating diagnosis of Alzheimer`s disease, royal jelly may be able to deliver remarkable results.

Royal Jelly and the Acetylcholine Connection

Royal jelly is a creamy substance produced by the common worker bee; one of the purposes is of developing and nourishing the queen bee. On this diet of royal jelly, the queen bee will typically grow to be 40 percent larger and can live up to 40 times longer than the worker bee. Royal jelly isn`t just food for the queen bee, it`s her longevity strategy.

Royal jelly`s structure and composition has not, so far been replicated by man in any lab. The only lab capable of producing such a substance is the bee hive. This superfood is rich in protein, loaded with B vitamins, and contains many other minerals and nutrients. One of the key ingredients in royal jelly that may have profound implications for improving memory and invigorating mental acuity is acetylcholine.

Acetylcholine was the first neurotransmitter discovered. It is found in the brain, spinal cord, and throughout areas of the nervous system. It regulates memory and is needed to transmit nerve messages from cell to cell. Interestingly, royal jelly is the only natural source of pure acetylcholine. Optimal levels of acetylcholine in the brain are associated with improved memory, fluidity of thought, and enhanced cognitive function.

Implications for Alzheimer`s Disease

…Most traditional treatments pursued by Western medicine try to increase levels of acetylcholine in the brain of the Alzheimer`s patient. These drugs attempt to raise the levels of acetylcholine by inhibiting the enzymes that lead to the breakdown or degradation of acetylcholine. Royal jelly, however, can raise levels of acetylcholine without the side effects often associated with the use of medications, such as nausea and liver toxicity…


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